Full-Field Neuroimaging


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This website is to share specs and information about our full-field neuroimaging setup, which allows us to project images up to 175 deg visual angle in the MRI scanner.

If you want to get full-field setup in your center, here are the main components you need.

  • Image Projection
  • Screen
  • Stimuli
  • Image Warping
  • Signal Quality Assessment

Each key component of the setup has its own page, where you can find information about the design, materials, and images.

Note that these are just brief description of what / how / why things are designed the way they are, as a starting point for anyone who wants to build their own setup.

:point_right: Preprint: Park, J., Soucy, E., Segawa, J., Mair, R., & Konkle, T. (2023). Ultra-wide angle neuroimaging: insights into immersive scene representation. bioRxiv.